+ Variety is the Spice of Life – Black Cat Cigar Company
Black Cat Cigar Company
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Variety is the Spice of Life

Today, we see cigars with complex flavors, boasting tobacco blends from all over the world, with fillers and binders coming from many different nations. At Black Cat, we offer a wide variety of cigars, ensuring we have something for all cigars enthusiasts!   

Cuban Inspired Cigars

When you enjoy a Cuban inspired cigar, you can expect a robust, flavorful cigar. A lot of care and attention goes into the making of a Cuban cigar, with some speculations estimating a total of one hundred steps to make one single cigar. Authentic Cuban cigars are known for their strong aroma and taste and most adamant cigar smokers enjoy this strong, authoritative taste. Our Black Cat Cuban Coronas are reminiscent of this—exploding with robust flavor, reminding you of cigars that you can only buy overseas. 

Celebrated Cigars from the Dominican Republic

Home to some of the biggest names in premium cigars, Dominican cigars became extremely popular after the Cuban Trade Embargo. These cigars offer a unique taste because of the soil the tobacco is grown in. Expect a creamy and mild profile, with tasting notes including nuts, coffee beans, cocoa, oak and cedar, just to name a few. Legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente was the first to craft a cigar made entirely from Dominican tobacco, including the wrapper. This specific smoke offers a rich, complex, woody flavor with tasting notes that include leather and pepper. At Black Cat, our Black Cat Dominicans are our top selling cigar.

The “Other Cuba”—Honduras

Some of the best tobacco is grown in Honduras. Honduras is the world’s third-largest producer of premium cigars and is often referred to as the “other Cuba”. The commonality between the two countries is their soil, with Honduras’ Jamastran Valley soil mimicking that of Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo and Partido regions. Because of this, many Honduran cigars imitate the taste of the famous Cubans. When enjoying a Honduran stick, you can expect a medium to full-bodied smoke, with earthy and flinty aromas. Beefy with deep woody and nutty flavors, this smoke has a distinctive taste that many aficionados have grown to love. At Black Cat, we offer our own brand of Honduran cigars called Black Cat Hondurans DeLuxe. These cigars have a hearty flavor and aroma, making them one of our best-selling brands. 

Why Black Cat Cigar Company

We are the leader in providing premium cigars at affordable prices. At Black Cat Cigar Company, no matter your taste or style, you can walk away with any of these three distinct types of cigars! We have Black Cat Cuban Coronas, Dominicans and Hondurans all for sale for your smoking pleasure. Contact us today at 1-800-220-9850 for all your cigar smoking needs or stop into our flagship store and chat with one of our knowledgeable professionals.

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