Vega Fina
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Dominican, Colombian, Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Dominican Republic
Cigar Strength: Mild
These extraordinary yet affordable cigars have become one of the most sought-after cigars in Europe. Now you can enjoy these cigars without a passport.
Handcrafted at the famous Tabacalera de Garcia factory, Vega Fina cigars boast a luxurious, hand-selected Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper and a flavorful combination of Dominican, Colombian and Honduran long filler tobaccos with an Indonesian binder. Vega Fina is a distinctly smooth, aromatic smoke with a mild to medium body that is considered by many to be a true “connoisseur’s smoke.”
This has become a big seller in a very short time.