Padron Family Reserve
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Cigar Strength: Medium
Cigar Aficionado Magazine "Cigar of the Year" (2009)
This is one of Padron's all-time best cigars. Made to commemorate Padron's 45th Anniversary, the Family Reserve utilizes the very finest tobaccos grown by the Padron family and specially cured and aged to create this masterpiece.
You will find the overall smoke to be medium-bodied with notes of cedar and spice. You will also find a hint of subtle floral notes that help make this a complex, flavorful and rich cigar. The burning qualities and construction are exceptional.
You're paying a pretty penny for these, but after all, you're getting one of the very finest and most exclusive cigars in the world from one of the best cigar makers in the world.