Hoyo La Amistad Gold
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
Country of Origin: Nicaragua
Cigar Strength: Medium - Full-Bodied
The legendary Hoyo de Monterrey brand continues its bold march into the future with an intriguing collaboration called La Amistad Gold.
The blend was developed by AJ Fernandez, the Cuban expat cigar maker best known for producing highly-rated cigars in Nicaragua (San Lotano, New World).
The Hoyo La Amistad Gold is bold and full-bodied with Nicaraguan fillers and binders grown and blended by AJ. The surrounding wrapper is a magnificent chestnut-colored, smooth Ecuadorian Habano. The construction and burning qualities are exceptional.
Hoyo La Amistad Gold is named for the camaraderie forged in creating this exciting new cigar. La Amistad means friendship in Spanish. You too will find a new friend in this cigar.